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Friday, 24 June 2016

How to hide all options/Ribbon in MsAccess to create a file look like exe in MsAccess

To hide all Ribbon(option) in MsAccess you need to follow these steps. It will look like as Exe
Step 1: Create a table with name "USysRibbons" in MsAccess database
                Column :
Now insert data in above table as:
RibbonName =”RibbonHide”

RibbonXML = <customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"><ribbon startFromScratch="true"></ribbon></customUI>
<customUI xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/2009/07/customui"><ribbon startFromScratch="true"></ribbon><backstage>
   <button idMso="FileSave" visible="false"/>
   <button idMso="SaveObjectAs" visible="false"/>
   <button idMso="FileSaveAsCurrentFileFormat" visible="false"/>
   <button idMso="FileOpen" visible="false"/>
   <button idMso="FileCloseDatabase" visible="false"/>
   <tab idMso ="TabInfo" visible="false"/>
   <tab idMso ="TabRecent" visible="false"/>
   <tab idMso ="TabNew" visible="false"/>
   <tab idMso ="TabPrint" visible="false"/>
   <tab idMso ="TabShare" visible="false"/>
   <tab idMso ="TabHelp" visible="false"/>
   <tab idMso ="SaveAs" visible="false"/>
   <button idMso="ApplicationOptionsDialog" visible="false"/>
   <button idMso="FileExit" visible="false"/>

Step 2: Close Access and reopen
Step 3: Go to File=>Option=> Current database option
Step 4: Select Ribbon name from Ribbon Name dropdown from Ribbon and Toolbar Tab option and click ok
Step 5: Restart Access
Step 6: Uncheck “Allow Default Short cut menu” check box at same tab
Step 7: at Client Setting option: In Advance Tab:-Checked “Open last used database when access starts”
Step 8: Settings in access options:
A.      Hide navigation file
B.      Unchecked access special key checkbox
C.      Unchecked enable design view etc.
Step 9:  Now add block of code In form load that is opening form of MaAccess.
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "Ribbon", acToolbarNo
DoCmd.NavigateTo "acNavigationCategoryObjectType"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdWindowHide

Step 10:  Now restart again 

1 comment:

  1. all what you do is repeating what is there for hundred of sites, what one needs to know is how to reference in usysribbons the tick boxes display navigation pane, allow full menus, etc....
